Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Introducing: < insert blog name here >!

If you didn't catch the blurb on the right (assuming at this point that it's still on the right), my name is Kyle Yampiro, and I like sports. Sounds simple, no? Well, I also happen to be pursuing my terminal degree in music. That's a bit atypical. If you intend to frequent this page more than once, I assume you also enjoy watching and/or following major sports.

So, okay. Why make a blog? Well, through the suggestions of my college roommate, I've regularly followed various Yankees blogs, most notably the LoHud Yankees blog. I later found blogs such as MLB Trade Rumors and Hoops Rumors, which exponentially increased my knowledge of current events, not to mention my interest in them. I've become somewhat enamored with sports journalism and wanted to try my hand at it.  Who knows - maybe I'll hate it and be able to say that I tried, maybe I'll keep this running for a good long while, or maybe I'll take this further. The bottom line is, why not?

My vision is that the main focus of this blog will be stories about the Yankees, Knicks, and [football] Giants, with posts regarding what's happening around the league, opinion pieces, reaction pieces, and perhaps the occasional commentary on game-time coverage, when time allows and games are broadcast nationally. Occasionally there may be a post outside of these three sports when something major happens, and who knows, maybe someday I'll actually appreciate hockey. It's not every year that both New York teams make the playoffs.

If you have managed to find this blog before its launch, please come back soon! We'll have an actual name and perhaps another contributor or two to make things really interesting.

Until then, Let's Go Yankees, RIP Knicks, and we'll see what happens when hockey comes back. .. wait, it's been back?! No way!